E Twinning/An eco-message through Music

Sosyal ve Kültürel Faaliyetler

Projenin Başlama/Bitiş Tarihi:

01 Ekim 2022 - 30 Mayıs 2023

Projenin Uygulandığı Yer:

Sugören Ortaokulu

Projeyi Düzenleyen Kurum:

Sugören Ortaokulu - Hopa / Artvin

Projenin Ana Koordinatörü:

Buket Yaraş Canbaz

Projenin Amacı:

Recognize the important role of music as a tool to promote environmental awareness; - allow pupils to learn music by making and experiencing it - research, know and perform songs with texts inspired by the theme of ecology - allow pupils to show their creativity. - share and make music together. - develop critical thinking on the type of music we listen to. - discover the cultural heritage of their partners. - recognize and respect diversity - promote cultural awareness and expression through creative productions. - improve communication skills in English in relation to pupils\' levels -help pupils learn about internet safety and netiquette - facilitate the understanding of what is allowed and what is not allowed on the eTwinning platform - develop technological skills through the use of different ICT tools.

Projenin Uygulama Adımları:

Know the aims of the project;

- Introduce themselves, their school and their country;

- Make a project logo 

- Sharing songs that deal with an environmental message

- create posters to highlight the main message of each chosen song

- create a video singing the songs

- create, in mixed groups, a song with a strong message in defense of the environment.

- prepare a presentation to communicate the results of the project

- write down their thoughts participating in a forum [online discussion or distant online meeting]

- evaluate the project through a google form


Projenin Riskleri:

No risks.

Projenin Çıktıları:

Students and teachers will work to create a unique final product which consists of creating songs in mixed groups for environmental sustainability. Therefore, we expect our students to exchange their musical experiences with each other and as the theme develops a greater awareness of environmental issues. Finally, we expect all participants to acquire the feeling of belonging to a wider cultural community, which goes beyond their own borders.

Projenin Fotoğrafları/Videoları:

Projeyi sosyal medyada paylaşmak için tıklayın :


Sugören Ortaokulu - Hopa / Artvin

Buket Yaraş Canbaz

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